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The cost of replacing your machinery is always much higher than rebuilding an existing, aging machine. We bring bring our years of expertise and understanding of Washington inventory to every project we tackle. At Wheeler we specialize in the maintenance and repair and retrofitting of all types of cable related machinery and hydraulic equipment.
- Washington yarders
- grapple yarders
- cranes
- log loaders
- skyline excavators / drag lines
- winch assist / tethering machines
- materials handlers
- recycling equipment
We have worked on all the major players in the industry: Manitowoc, American, Washington, Leibherr, Sennebogen, Sierra, Madill, Skagit, and others. Most of our our clients are apart of the logging and mining industry, but we also service machines used in metal recycling. If you have any piece of heavy equipment that uses cabling or hydraulics to do it’s job, we can take care of it!

On Site Repairs:
If our experience in the logging, mining and recycling industries has taught us anything it’s that downtime can be very costly. That’s why we have field service experts available for onsite repairs. We’ve been all over British Columbia, from Vancouver Island to Haida Gwaii.
We will arrive on site, inspect your machinery, source the parts, or have them built from scratch, install and get your crew back in business as quickly as possible. And depending on the circumstances, we’ll run the entire rebuild process from your location.
There ain’t nothing our Wheeler crew can’t do!

Make Wheeler Your First Choice For Re-manufacturing & Heavy Equipment Repair.
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