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Washington Yarders
If it wasn’t for Stu Wheeler Sr. – there wouldn’t be any Washington Yarders in British Columbia.
Wheeler repairs, re-manufactures and build yarders from scratch. Because we have complete drawings for every Washington Yarder ever built, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better qualified team for your next project. Our recent success with the prototype WS88 (our modern take on the legendary Washington 88) positions Wheeler as THE source for 21st century Washington Yarders.
These units weigh in at 93,800 pounds (under the legal limit for transporting in one piece). Legal move weight includes half a tank of fuel, your oils and cables on all the drums (excludes grapple weight).
- weight: 93,800 lbs
- line pull: 60,000 lbs
- line speed: in excess of 2650 feet per minute.
- engine: 350hp inline John Deere (tier three fuel emissions)
We repair and redesign all models of the the big four brands: Washington, Madill, Berger, Skagit.

Make Wheeler Your First Choice For Re-manufacturing & Heavy Equipment Repair.
Are you a fan of vintage machinery and heavy equipment?